Incentive trips: discover the wonders of Croatia!

The idea was to choose an international destination such as Croatia incentive trips, but one that does not require too long or too expensive a trip: in fact, we preferred to invest a higher percentage of our budget in accommodation and activities, rather than in travel, in order to focus all our efforts on creating a truly unique experience. Indeed, the question is what is the point of incentive travel Croatia?

Incentive travel Croatia: discover the beautiful coastline of this country

We have chosen Croatia as our incentive destination for this project and we would like to recommend it as an incentive destination for the summer. Not only is Croatia very easy to reach from most parts of Italy (especially the northeast), but it is also a beautiful country with breathtaking natural landscapes, majestic cliffs and dreamy beaches. To complete the picture of the ideal destination for incentive travel, there is a wide choice of luxury hotels and endless possibilities for leisure and entertainment. Our guests arrived at Valmar Tamaris, a beautiful 4-star resort located on the northern coast of the Lanterna peninsula, overlooking a small bay with crystal clear waters and pristine beaches.

Incentive travel Croatia: Team building and entertainment

In a Croatia incentive travel project, the distinction between these two elements should be clearly blurred. Of course, team building is different from a simple excursion or a relaxing evening, but our goal is to make it just as enjoyable. And since we had the opportunity to stay in one of the most beautiful seaside resorts in Europe, we decided to give our guests the opportunity to spend most of their time on the water... or even in it. We organized a boat trip, which allowed us to explore the coast from Rovinj to Poreč, with lunch at an exclusive restaurant by the sea and, in the evening, a stop at one of the most beautiful discos in the area, to dance until late at night. Our team building activity also had a strong "aquatic" vocation. In fact, we chose one of our favorite activities: the cardboard boat race. This is one of the few races where losing is almost as fun as winning. Competitors must build a small boat with a few very simple materials (cardboard, tape and little else) and then demonstrate its strength in a mini-race. Whenever we offer this activity to our clients, we know that the fun will be guaranteed. And it is precisely the fun, at the very moment when the cardboard boats are launched, that is one of the fundamental ingredients of this team building. Building something together, finding creative solutions and playing games is important, but so is accepting some minor "inconveniences" while laughing.

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